Caleb Schultz

Caleb Schultz and his wife, Makala, are both from western states. Makala grew up in Arizona; and Caleb moved to Wyoming as a young teenager. They met while attending International Baptist College and Seminary in Chandler, AZ and got married in 2013. 


They have 4 children: James (9), Titus (7), Ethan (6), and Talitha is expected to be born in January of 2024!


Before moving to Colorado, Caleb spent 5 years at a church as an assistant pastor and 6 years as a deacon while working as a deputy. 


They are now settled in and happy to be a part of sharing Christ in the Steamboat community!


  • God is the all-wise and loving Creator, perfect and holy, separate from sin and the only One worthy of worship. We worship God by making Him uppermost in every part of our life.
  • God has communicated with mankind through the Bible. Because it is God’s truth, we are committed to submitting every aspect of life to the Bible’s authority through faithful and systematic teaching.
  • God created mankind in His image, giving human life value. Although we were made for fellowship with God, we all reject God and try to live our own way. Our rebellion separated us from the righteous God and will ultimately be judged by Him.
  •  The Gospel is the good news that God took the initiative to reconcile us to Himself through Jesus Christ, His son. While retaining His deity, Jesus became and man and lived a sinless life – the only person to never sin – and died, taking the punishment we deserved. God raised Jesus from the dead, showing that He accepted Jesus’ payment on our behalf. Salvation is the gift of God, brought to man by grace, and received by repentance from sin and personal faith in Christ’s shed blood.
  • The Church is God’s plan. As a family of believers, we want to live transparent, authentic lives, encouraging each other to love and good works through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. We will do so by prayer, God-centered preaching, observing baptism and the Lord’s Supper, giving out time and resources, and gathering for worship and fellowship. Through relational discipleship, our church will prepare men and women who are confidently committed to God’s truth and are able, with cultural relevance, to lead others into that truth. We desire to display God’s love by showing mercy, hope, and reconciliation to all people, beginning in our community and extending around the world.

Articles of Faith